Private Lessons & Tutoring
Beau Simpson
Private lessons
Private lessons with a qualified instructor are essential if you truly want to improve as a musician.
While books and YouTube videos offer great value for little to no money, it’s going to take at least twice as long to reach your potential.
Why? Because those lessons aren’t custom-tailored to you.
What if you adopt bad habits that limit your playing?
As a long-time player and teacher of multiple instruments, you have your choice of learning electric guitar, acoustic guitar, bass, piano, ukulele, and/or mandolin.
beau simpson
Tutoring Services
I also offer tutoring services covering, but not limited to
- Music Theory
- Composition
- Harmony
- Counterpoint
- Ear Training
- Rhythm
- Sight Singing
- Sight Reading
- Conductin
Whatever your musical goals, you’re in the right place.
Lessons and tutoring services are offered via Zoom…and…if you’re a South Bay local, you’re welcome to take your weekly lessons at my state-of-the-art studio in beautiful Hermosa Beach, California.